Creating an online course takes a lot of time in preparation, filming and editing, and you will need to create a few before having it right. You need equipment and software, and also the skills to create the video courses.
Sell video courses without filming any!
I have made 4 video courses myself and I know how challenging it can be, especially for someone who has no or little experience at course creation.
The solution is to just cut this step and use video courses that are already created, which are sold by the creator with a PLR license that authorizes you to modify the product and sell it as your own.
It's what I have done with some other courses filmed by others and they have sold even better than my own, without having to do any work to film them.
Here are some very popular technical courses that I have used the Private Label Rights and sold on my own website:
Hacking video courses:
"The Ethical Hacking PLR Bundle"
This bundle contains 22 video courses and producing it by yourself, assuming you have the knowledge, would have taken months. Hiring a specialist to make the courses for you would have cost you at least $44,000, just estimating a $2,000 cost per course. The reality is that for some much longer courses, the cost would have been more in the range of $5,000.
You can start selling these courses on your own website today with only $575. That's just $26 per course. How good is that? With your purchase you receive a PLR license document with your name on it that authorizes you not only to sell the courses as they are, but also rebrand them as you wish.
Coding video courses:
"The Programming PLR Bundle"
This bundle contains 9 video courses and similarly to the hacking bundle, the cost of production would have been at least $18,000. You can start selling these 9 video courses on your own website today with only $337. That's just $37 per course. Her is again an excellent deal. You get the same PLR license and rights as the hacking bundle.
In conclusion:
Just investing in those two PLR video course bundles cost around $900. No filming or editing necessary.
Time to film = zero.
Time to edit = zero.
You will only spend time to upload the courses to a course platform like Teachable, Podia, or Thinkific. and time for the landing page. These courses will then be sold over and over again.
You may also use PLR courses as bonuses when the license permits it to help make sales for the other courses and build a mailing list.
I hope this has been helpful to see what you can do to sell quality video courses without having to film them.