
Course description

If you want to learn how to promote an event on Facebook, you might love this course! Take this course to see my system for creating and promoting a new event I make on Facebook which results in hundreds of people attending! 

When you finish this course in a few hours, you will have the opportunity to avoid the mistakes I made promoting events on Facebook and feel confident you know what to do in making your own event on Facebook!

How did I gain the experience to teach this course? 

I promoted my own Facebook events and a world tour for a client. My first two Facebook events were complete disasters. I spent a lot of time, money, and energy creating and advertising events that NO ONE CAME TO!

These failures motivated me to keep trying new strategies which finally resulted in a successful event that launched my career in teaching online. You are here now because of the first successful Facebook event I did which showed me what I could do that the world would appreciate most. 

My successful Facebook event led me to promoting a world tour for a client in cities across the USA. The experience from this gave me the tools to make a course for you that I hope is simple, effective, and fun!

Thank you very much for reading this and I hope to answer any questions you have in the course soon!

Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Facebook Event Basics

  • 3

    Creating the Facebook event with a strong foundation quickly.

    • How to create an event on a Facebook page.

    • What's holding you back from going forward with your event?

    • Setting a start and end time for the event

    • Picking an image that has no text quickly for the event.

    • Focusing everyone at one destination.

    • Writing a description that appeals exactly to the person guaranteed to attend.

    • Free events usually are much easier than paid events. Creative pricing strategy.

    • Publishing the event once everything is in place.

  • 4

    Promoting the Facebook event is where most of the work is required

    • Making a great event is all about promotion.

    • Getting the very first person to join is the most important step to start.

    • Making sure 3 people that are most important to attend are coming.

    • Inviting friends on Facebook should happen AFTER a personal message.

    • When you create the event, it is shared right away on the Facebook page.

    • Every post after the initial one should help explain more about the event.

    • Sharing the event in related groups helps get more organic reach.

    • Even while creating lectures, the message to friends worked to get another join.

    • Facebook invites are so often ignored it can take persistence to get acceptance.

    • Bigger is not always better. An event with too many people can be a disaster.

    • If no one is responding, now is a great time to change the event or try another.

  • 5

    Advertising the Facebook event is where you can reach full potential!

    • Are you ready to use Facebook advertising for your event?

    • Making the first ad for the event in the Facebook ads manager.

    • Using the power editor to quickly split test different ad creatives.

    • Copying ad sets with the Facebook ads power editor to split test audiences.

  • 6

    Reviewing the first week of promotions results and optimizing the Facebook ads

    • Reviewing the initial promotional efforts

    • Optimizing the Facebook event ads to get more joins for a lower cost.

    • Pausing ads that are ineffective and limiting the campaign spend.

  • 7

    Getting everyone excited the day before the event!

    • Posting a poll to understand what people plan on doing.

    • Every comment and response is very valuable the day before.

    • Making a post to get people excited about the event and remind those forgetting.

  • 8

    Making the day of the event into an honest effort rather than failure or success

    • Converting comments into informed people that show up

    • The day of the event is a great time for balance

    • Replacing the idea of success or failure with honesty and effort

  • 9

    Reviewing the event the day after and planning for what next?

    • How did my Facebook event go?

    • Every piece of feedback is useful good and bad!

    • What next? Finding what you love to do and doing it daily is the opportunity!

Meet Your Instructor!

CEO and Founder of Uthena!

Jerry Banfield

I started my business in 2011 to help others overcome the same problems I struggled with starting with addiction, relationships, and money. After accumulating $100,000+ in debt to stay in business, I discovered teaching online in 2014. Within three years, I produced 3,000+ video tutorials and paid off all the debt while struggling to maintain ongoing relationships with my students. To help students and instructors grow better together, we launched Uthena in 2019 as the first PLR marketplace for video courses! I am grateful today for 5 years sober, 3 years plant based diet, 6 years married, 3 years parenting, and 7 years as an entrepreneur online with 2,300+ YouTube videos, 21 books, 680+ blog posts, 800+ podcast episodes, 70 songs on iTunes/Spotify, and 57+ video courses where I am the primary instructor on Uthena!

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This course is available with Private Label Rights (PLR). 

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After purchasing, you will have access to the course on Uthena and you will receive the PLR license with a download link and a special bonus.


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"Facebook Event Promotion Tips from Start to Finish!"

  • $37.81

    Lifetime enrollment

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  • $297.00

    Course + Master Resell Rights

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  • $67.81

    Course + Private Label Rights

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The Mastermind For Entrepreneurs Seeking Growth Online!


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