Learn Advanced Python Programming
Make real world Professional Applications and Topics by learning Python from complete Scratch.
In this course, we will take a start from complete scratch and will assume that you never had a Python Programming Experience before. We will end this course by making you a professional Python Engineer who is capable enough to apply his knowledge to build real world Applications. We will go in depth of everything so that you can learn each and everything about the topics that we will cover in this course.
We will focus a lot on those topics which are mostly asked for a Job interview for Python. This course aim to develop your skills to become capable for your coming professional life. We hope you very best for this course.
Hope this course will be very beneficial for you.
Good Luck
What you'll learn:
Introduction to Linked List
FREE PREVIEWsingly linked list and doubly linked list
Create and Traverse(Singly Linked List)
Insertion-Singly LInked List
Deletion- Singly Linked list
Append- Doubly linked List
Creation of Doubly linked list
Deletion- doubly linked list
Magic Methods - Intro
Binary Operators- Magic Methods
Unary Operators- Magic Methods
Comparison Operators- Magic Methods
Extenden Assignment Operator - Magic Methods
Examples - Magic Method
Section Thread Overview
Thread vs Process
Main Thread
Ways of Creating Threads
Thread Names
Targeting Multiple Function
Thread by extending the Thread Class
Thread without extending the Thread class
Sleep Method
Thread using a Function
Programming the Scenario
Producer Consumer Problem
Synchronization with Lock
Socket Section Overview
Socket Programming-Introduction
Network and Internet
Socket Programming
Creating a Server
Creating a Client
File Client
Chat Room Overview
File Server
Chat Room Server Side
Chat Room Client Side
list comprehension
Dictionary Comprehension
Meta Programming - Intro
Decorators - Intro
Class Decorators
Meta Classes - INtro
Function Decorators
More on Function Decorators -Part(1)
Creating Meta Classes
calling a descriptor
descriptor protocols
SMTP Section Overview
SMTP_Sending HTML based messages
SMTP-Sending Emails with Attachment
SMTP-Sending Emails in Python
Docstrings types- Documentation
Importance of documentation
Docstrings- Documentation
Comments (Advances)
Generators with examples
Python generator expressions
Why Generators
Databases Section Overview
Creating a dataBase
Alter Table
GLOB Operator
Distinct Clause
DB Browser Installation
Sqlite Maths Function
UNION Operator
Where Clause
Creating a Table and inserting data into it
Arcade Module - Introduction
Sad Face - Arcaed Module
Trees _ Arcade Module
Auto TImer - Arcade Module
Auto Radar - Arcade Module
Moving Rectangle - Arcade Module
Graph Section Overview
Making a simple line graph
RGB Color Codes
title,label and grid
Marker, Line Style and Line Width
Multiple Line Graph
Bar Chart
Styling Bar Chart
Pie Chart
Making a Histogram
Using Numpy to make graphs
Numpy Array Operations
CoRoutines- Intro
creating coRoutines
Closing a coRoutine
Pipelining in coRoutines
Regular Expressions (Intro)
RE Module Functions
Match Function - RE
Example - RE
Some Comparisons - RE
YouTube Download Manager-1
YouTube Download Manager-2
YouTube Download Manager-3
Text Editor (Part-I)
Text Editor (Part-II)
Text Editor (Part-III)
Music Player-1
Music Player-2
Music Player-3
Music Player-4
Music Player-5
Music Player-6
Music Player-7
Music Player-8
Music Player-9
Music Player-10
Music Player-11
Music Player-12
GUI Section Overview
GUI Introduction
GUI-Changing background of a Window
Widgets - 2
Label Widget - 3
Buttons - 4
GUI-Attaching Events to buttons (PART-I)
GUI-More on Tkinter Canvas
GUI-Frames Basic
Tkinter Window - 1
GUI-Adding Elements to a Frame
GUI-Background Effects on Frame or Canvas
GUI-Canvas inside a Frame
Textfield Widget
Checkbox Widget
GUI-Attaching Events to the Buttons(PART-II)
RadioButton Widget
GUI-Layout Managers
Simple Dialog for Data Entry
GUI Based Simple Calculator Application
Message Boxes
OOP Section Overview
Introduction (OOP)
if __name__==main
Hybrid inheritance
multi level inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Method overloading
Operator Overloading
static vs class vs instance method
Initializer Function
Accessing Class Attributes - 2
Method vs Function - 3
Making abstract classes and methods
Encapsulation and Access Modifier
Abstract Classes and Methods
Classes and Objects Slides - 1
Doc String
Modules in Python
Bilal Khan
Software Engineer, Data Scientist and Entrepreneur
I am a Software Engineer and I and have a strong grip on many programming languages like Java,C++,Python,C Sharp,Java Script and many other. I have also a lot of teaching experience and i realize that Udemy is the best platform to teach the students. I teach students something very new in demand so that students can develop their skills according to the latest market.
"Learn Advanced Python Programming"
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