
Course description

Everything here is designed based on what works today for me, Jerry Banfield, and for my friend Jay Cucurullo to have a healthy, happy, and complete life. Jay Cucurullo has inspired me since 2009 to take better care of myself and to build a more healthy life. 

In Jay Cucurullo's first course, he shares a few tips that work for him each day to take care of his physical, mental, and emotional healthy. I share the same thing and hope you can immediately apply any lecture to what you are doing today.

How did I think to make this course and what qualifies me to make it? 

I was reading a book by Scott Adams about his life that he wrote. In it he shared some common sense tips he uses for eating that made a lot of sense to me. He said he accepts that he is a lazy person and sets his eating up accordingly. Most of my life I had fought my lazy nature and always lost because I would not set my life up to handle it. The few words he shared in his book inspired me to try to set my eating up so that I had lazy foods available that were healthy that I would eat.

After seeing how powerful some practical tips for living well from a regular guy were, I was motivated to share what I do in my life that works for me to live a lot healthier life today than I have ever lived before. I hope in sharing this with you that you can immediately get some practical tips out of it that you can use to live your healthier life today!

Take this course to get access to lectures that will inspire you to look at how you are living today and try some new habits that might make your life a little easier!

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    How can you start being a little bit healthier today?

  • 2

    Physical Health Habits for Daily Maintenance of the Beautiful Body You Have.

    • What is measured gets improved. Track your diet and active calories each day!

    • I use My Fitness Pal to track everything I eat now and all exercise and weight

    • 80% of your weight is eating. 20% of your weight is exercise

    • 80% of your base energy comes from exercise, 20% from eating

    • Eat the minimum you need to be full

    • Think about each bite you take while you eat instead of focusing on the next

    • Commit to a daily active activity that you are willing to do

    • The simple benefits of weight training and building a weight lifting habit

    • The awesome amount of energy you get from doing cardio

    • Try drinking more water before and during every meal

    • How to beat your crazy cravings

    • Why you should not be a quitter in your workouts

  • 3

    Emotional Health for Noticing, Accepting, and Enjoying Your Feelings Each Day.

    • Emotions and feelings are like thoughts that the body has

    • Being aware of what you are feeling inside is the first step to emotional health

    • When you do good, you feel good. When you do wrong, you feel bad

    • Taking responsibility for your feelings means they are never anyone else's fault

    • This too shall pass. Accepting bad feelings when they come up and enjoying good

    • Learning the simple art of smiling, especially when you are down

  • 4

    Creating Positive Mental Health Habits and Ways of Thinking.

    • Get your engine started first thing in the morning

    • Ending your day like a champion

    • I am never upset for the reason I think I am

    • How to stop hurrying and enjoy each moment

  • 5

    Walking a Spiritual Path for Consistent Growth in All Health Areas.

    • Presence and paying attention to now makes taking care of yourself very easy

    • The spiritual practices that work for me today

    • Spiritual growth, don't only do it alone

    • Spiritual practice is the only hope I have for influencing my mind

    • Religion focuses on the spiritual experience of another. Spirituality is yours

  • 6

    Bonus lectures

    • How to travel in time and find happiness now

    • How to be a good husband when your wife is pregnant based on what works for me

    • How I found happiness in life by seeing beyond and into death

Meet Your Instructor!

CEO and Founder of Uthena!

Jerry Banfield

I started my business in 2011 to help others overcome the same problems I struggled with starting with addiction, relationships, and money. After accumulating $100,000+ in debt to stay in business, I discovered teaching online in 2014. Within three years, I produced 3,000+ video tutorials and paid off all the debt while struggling to maintain ongoing relationships with my students. To help students and instructors grow better together, we launched Uthena in 2019 as the first PLR marketplace for video courses! I am grateful today for 5 years sober, 3 years plant based diet, 6 years married, 3 years parenting, and 7 years as an entrepreneur online with 2,300+ YouTube videos, 21 books, 680+ blog posts, 800+ podcast episodes, 70 songs on iTunes/Spotify, and 57+ video courses where I am the primary instructor on Uthena!

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After purchasing, you will have access to the course on Uthena and you will receive the PLR license with a download link and a special bonus.


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"25% Healthier Today - A Journey into Daily Happiness!"

  • $37.81

    Lifetime enrollment

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  • $297.00

    Course + Master Resell Rights

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  • $67.81

    Course + Private Label Rights

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