
Course description

Does money rule your life? Are you constantly worried about not having enough? Is a fear of being broke preventing you from living the life you want?

For many people, money controls almost every decision we make:

How we spend our time... Where we work… How we behave around others…

When most people start foraging through the internet for get-rich-quick schemes and strategies, it's usually for one reason: Money causes them fear.

Even if you aren’t aware of it, there’s a good chance that money worries are the main cause of your unhappiness.

Well, it’s time for a change.

“I got so much more value from this course than expected. It guided me through a lot of simple yet effective financial changes to help get my money working for me, rather than controlling me, and now I'm feeling so much more on top of my money game in life.”

  • Emma Jessop

Like most fears, a fear of money can be overcome by facing it, understanding it, and then conquering it.

That’s what Financial Freedom is all about.

In this no-nonsense, no-fluff course, you’ll learn:

  • Why money fears are holding you back from a better life (and how to overcome them)

  • How to achieve Financial Freedom and become confident with money

  • How to save more, earn more, and make your money go further

Financial Freedom is about not letting your money rule your life.

While there are plenty of tips, guides, and advice on how to make more money in this course, that’s not the main point.

The real value you get from achieving Financial Freedom is TIME.

We all deserve to spend our time doing what we want, when we want, without worrying about getting fired, missing a loan payment, or not getting a well-deserved pay rise.

When you take control of your money, YOU get to decide how you spend your time.

And that’s just the beginning…

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand how money, investing, and the economy work

  • Have all the tools and confidence to take control of your future finances

  • Be ready to apply your learnings to start building a less stressful, more rewarding lifestyle

Warning: This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

In fact, this course has nothing to do with “getting rich”.

The people that get rich off get-rich-quick schemes are the ones selling them – not the ones buying them.

Certainly, you can still use what you learn in this course to build up wealth. But we’re going to go much deeper than that…

This course will show you how to handle your finances *practically* and how to manage your insecurities about money *psychologically*.

Even many of the wealthiest people in the world are still openly insecure about money.

They’re making millions, or even billions, every year, yet money still rules their life. They’re stressed, unhappy, and never able to feel content.

Sound familiar?

This course is about flipping the script. Making money your slave rather than letting it dictate your life. Acquiring a true sense of Freedom.

“Dan's direct, "tell it like it is" style is refreshing, especially in an area where people are trying to sell you on their "one true way".

  • Fred Lunjevich

Financial Freedom is about more than just making more money.

More money is useless if you still haven’t learned how to manage it in a way that improves your quality of life.

Instead, think of Financial Freedom as being exactly what it sounds like: Freedom from your finances!

Achieving Financial Freedom means giving yourself:

  • Freedom to do whatever you want with your time, without having someone else exert control over you through your paycheck.

  • Freedom to enjoy life without worrying about how much it costs.

  • Freedom to focus on what's important rather than obsessing over what will bring in more cash.

  • Freedom of knowing that your future is secure and that getting old won't suck.

Don't worry; you can use what's in this course to build up your income if that's your main focus.

But the real freedom will come from finally being able to go on holiday, start your own business, or engage in fun hobbies without feeling burdened and restricted by that fictional symbol of value that we call like to call 'money'.

The freedom to live a better life.

Dan Munro is a bestselling author who has been coaching students for almost 10 years, following a career spent rehabilitating serious criminal offenders. He’s helped 1000s get smarter about money and live a better life by building a confident mindset and a powerful philosophy that can’t be rattled.

This course represents all the knowledge and tools he has learned and successfully applied to his clients and his own personal growth as a coach, father, husband, and friend.

What you'll learn:

  • How to become confident with money and achieve Financial Freedom

  • 3 ways to make more money and boost your total income

  • How to increase your cash flow so that you’re always spending less than you’re earning (and therefore avoid debt)

  • The basics of investing: How to use the money you already have to make even more

  • How money and the economy really work: Demystify your finances

  • How to overcome the mental barriers that allow money to control you (instead of the other way around)

  • What “passive income” is and how you can start making money even while you’re not working

  • The fundamentals of starting your own business (full-time + side-hustles): What your options are and how to get started


  • A desire to take control of your financial future

  • Be willing to review your finances so you can begin to understand them

  • Be prepared to make large and small life changes that will lead to more confidence around money

Who this course is for:

  • First-time investors

  • People that struggle with debt and overspending

  • Anyone with confidence issues related to money

  • Anyone that wants to secure their financial future with realistic, long-term strategies

  • Anyone looking to start their own business or side-hustle

  • Anyone that wants to understand how money and the economy actually work

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Understanding money

    • Good Debt vs Bad Debt: Knowing the Difference and Why It Matters

    • How to Create Passive Income in a Realistic Way

    • Assets vs Liabilities: Knowing What Earns You Money and What Costs You

  • 3

    Controlling your money

    • Cash Flow and Capital: The Key Concepts You NEED to Know to Be Rich

    • The 5 Biggest Risks to Your Money and How to Protect Yourself From Them

  • 4

    Increasing your income

    • How to Ensure You're Getting Paid What You're Worth

    • Increasing Your Value to Expand Your Career Opportunities and Reduce Competition

  • 5

    Psychological confidence with money

    • The Most Common Limiting Beliefs About Money that Hold You Back

    • Common Financial Self-Sabotaging Behaviors You Need to Stop NOW

    • Minimalism: The Effortless Path to Controlling Your Money

    • Adaptability and Resourcefulness: The Main Skills You Need to be Rich

    • Overcoming Your Fear of the Unknown When it Comes to Finances

  • 6

    Increasing your cashflow

    • Starting a Successful Product Business Without Risks or Dodgy Tricks

    • [Extra] Wanna be a full time entrepreneur

  • 7

    Investing for beginners

    • The Basics of Investing for Dummies That Find it Intimidating (Like I Once Did)

    • The 10 Golden Rules of Investing That All The Experts Follow

    • Getting Started with Safe and Sensible Low Risk Investing

    • The Top Investing Mistakes That You Need to Avoid

  • 8

    Wrapping up

    • Milestones: Going From Zero to FREEDOM!

    • Reviewing the Key Points in a Simple Quick Summary

    • Recommended Resources to Increase Your Expertise

    • Financial Freedom: recommended resources

Meet your instructor!

Daniel Munro
Integrity and Confidence Coach 

Dan Munro is a Confidence and Integrity Coach based in Europe. He created the BROJO self-development community which has grown to include members from all over the world, and is the bestselling author of The Legendary Life, Nothing to Lose, and The Naked Truth.

Dan specializes in helping Nice Guys and People Pleasers figure out what it means to "just be yourself", through helping them remove the psychological barriers to authentic and confident living. He comes from a psychology and science-focused philosophy and background, having worked with high risk criminal offenders, and is expertly trained in confidence building, motivational techniques, psychological confidence, leadership skills, acceptance and value-based living, and managing manipulation.

Dan is a former People-Pleaser (a.k.a Nice Guy) who spent most of his life trying to get approval from other people. Once he discovered that this was a painful and dishonest way to live, he set out to find the truth about how to enjoy life, find purpose, and be ultimately satisfied with who you are as a person. He developed a blueprint called The 3X Model of Confidence, that underlies success in all areas of life, and can be learned quickly and effectively.

Dan's mission in life is to teach people this secret so that they can get the most out of their short time on this planet.

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After purchasing, you will have access to the course on Uthena and you will receive the PLR license with a download link and a special bonus.


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"Financial Freedom: Overcome Your Money Fears"

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