
Course description

In this course you will learn all of python you need for being a good python developer.

you will begin with learning that how you can have your best editor to work with.

After that in first section you will learn all the basics of python like data-types, loops, conditionals, operators, file-handling, time-date, libraries and a lot. In addition you will also apply all you have learn in section-1 on practical working programs and games.

Second section is about data-visualisation in which you will learn what is data science and how things work in that, and you will learn libraries like Matplotlib, seaborn, pandas, poorly and cufflinks for data visualisation and pandas, numpy for data analysis. you will also learn geo-plotting for visualising globe data. In addition you will built a large number of beautyfull plots and even 3-D plots to practice your skills. Then we will move to the project part of section-2 in which you will learn to create automatic plotter, base maps and big-data analysis project that actually analyse more than 60 million+ data.

Third section is all about graphical and user interface. In which you will learn that how the desktop applications are made, you will learn about tkinter to built windows applications, then you will learn about database that how you can store your program data and where to store. After that we will move to a very interesting concept turtle graphics where you will learn how to make moving graphical things.Then this section is full of projects with actually working games and database applications. also project that will make you learn how to use keys to move your objects in games and in applications.

This is not the end of the course time to time new data will be added to it.

Who this course is for:

  • Everyone who want to learn python.


  • just will to learn and achieve great things.

What you'll learn:

  • Complete Python.
  • Python basics like data-types, loops, decision-makings, file handling, libraries, modules, date-times etc.
  • Terminal based programming applications using Python.
  • Artificial intelligent Python game.
  • Python for desktop applications and GUI programming.
  • Creating desktop applications using Tkinter with Python.
  • Using databases using Python.
  • Turtle graphics for creating graphical applications and motion using Python
  • Real working 5+ graphical games using Python.
  • Use of keyboard keys to move objects in your applications and in games using python
  • learn to build smart calculators and dictionaries using python.
  • Datascience and data visualisation using python.
  • data visualisation using Matplotlib in python.
  • data visualisation using Seaborn in python.
  • data visualisation using pandas in python.
  • data visualisation using poorly and cufflinks in python.
  • data analysis using Numpy and pandas in python.
  • geoplotting using python.
  • learn to build an automatic plotter for data visualisation.
  • learn to build big data analysis project with more than 60million + data using python.
  • basemaps using python.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

  • 2

    Installing Python on Mac

    • 5.Introduction to this chapter

    • 6.Installing python

    • 7.Installing Atom on Mac

    • 8.Installing Anaconda on Mac

    • 9.Editor's link

  • 3

    Installing python on windows

    • 10.Introduction to this module

    • 11.Installing python

    • 12.Installing Atom on windows

    • 13.atom setup

    • 14.Installing anaconda on windows

    • 15.Editor's link

  • 4

    Data types

    • 16.Introduction to this module

    • 17.Variables and constants

    • 18.Numbers

    • 19.Operation on numbers

    • 20.Dynamic typing and restrictions on data types

    • 21.Casting

    • 22.Strings

    • 23.Methods and strings

    • 24.Indexing and slicing

    • 25.String formatting

    • 26.List

    • 27.Tuples

    • 28.Dictionary

    • 29.Boolean

    • 30.Data types notes

  • 5


    • 31.Introduction to this module

    • 32.Assignment operators

    • 33.Comparision operators

    • 34.Arithmetic operators

    • 35.Identity and membership operators

    • 36.Logical operators

    • 37.Bitwise operators

    • 38.Notes

  • 6

    Which editor is best for you

    • 39.Introduction to this module

    • 40.Working on Atom

    • 41.Working on jupyter notebooks

    • 42.How to learn programming

  • 7

    Functions and methods

    • 43.Introduction to this module

    • 44.User input

    • 45.Convertors

    • 46.Concept of function

    • 47.Functions and user input

    • 48.Parameters

    • 49.Convertors using functions

    • 50.Modifying function

    • 51.Methods

    • 52.Function notes

    • 53.Method notes

  • 8


    • 54.Introduction to this module

    • 55.Types of errors

    • 56.Syntex error

    • 57.Indentation error

    • 58.Type error

    • 59.Name error

    • 60.Zero division error

    • 61.Index error

    • 62.Attribute and runtime error

    • 63.Handling errors and the internet

    • 64.Notes

  • 9

    Decision making

    • 65.Introduction to this module

    • 66.if-else condition

    • 67.el-if condition

    • 68.Little fun with the conditionals

    • 69.Multiple conditions

    • 70.Nested conditions

    • 71.Notes

  • 10


    • 72.Introduction to this module

    • 73.For loop

    • 74.Loops and user input

    • 75.Looping through a string

    • 76.While loop

    • 77.Break statement

    • 78.Continue statement

    • 79.Else in for loop

    • 80.Nested loops

    • 81.Range() function

    • 82.Notes

  • 11

    Date and time

    • 83.Introduction to this module

    • 84.Python dates

    • 85.Date output and date objects

    • 86.strf time() method

    • 87.Notes

  • 12

    File handling

    • 88.Introduction to this module

    • 89.Opening and reading the file

    • 90.Writing in a file

    • 91.Appending

    • 92.Different methods

    • 93.Notes

  • 13


    • 94.Introduction to this module

    • 95.Libraries

    • 96.Modules

    • 97.Json files

    • 98.Notes

  • 14

    Project-1 Dice rolling stimulator

    • 99.Introduction to this module

    • 100.How to solve the problem

    • 101.Dice overview

    • 102.Algorithm

    • 103.How to get the number

    • 104.What about the dice

    • 105.Roll it again

    • 106.Dice stimulator

    • 107.Code for the project

  • 15

    Project-2 Dictionary

    • 108.Introduction to this module

    • 109.Dictionary overview

    • 110.Where to get the data

    • 111.Loading the data in our program

    • 112.Main logic

    • 113.What if the word doesn't exist

    • 114.Pugger found some errors

    • 115.Pugger said what about the interface

    • 116.It's all about the interface

    • 117.Pugger have another issue

    • 118.How to get the close matches

    • 119.Upgrading the program to get_close_matches

    • 120.Dictionary

    • 121.Json file and code for this project

  • 16

    Project-3 Hangmen game

    • 122.Introduction to this module

    • 123.Hangmen overview

    • 124.Algorithm for hangman

    • 125.User interface

    • 126.Creating the word's list

    • 127.Rules and regulation

    • 128.Main logic

    • 129.Hanging the man

    • 130.Our third program

    • 131.Code for this project

  • 17

    Project-4 Tic Tac Toe

    • 132.Introduction to this module

    • 133.What is AI

    • 134.Project overview

    • 135.Understanding problem and writing algorithm

    • 136.Designing the board

    • 137.Space on board

    • 138.How to get Winner

    • 139.Player move

    • 140.AI compter move

    • 141.Random function

    • 142.Defining the main logic

    • 143.Preparing interface

    • 144.TicTacToe

    • 145.Code for this project

  • 18


    • Python for datascience

Meet your instructor!

Dev Nirwal


I'm a programmer in field of artificial intelligence and machine learning and a electronics and communication engineering. My first course is not a great hit but python complete bootcamp 2019 have 10,000 students in just 2 days.

Take this course today!

"Python3 complete bootcamp 2019 Build 15+ applications and games"