The Complete Ethical Hacking Bootcamp - From Zero to Hero
If you want to get started as an ethical hacker, learn how network security professionals protect their systems, or take your IT career to the next level you are going to LOVE this course!We will cover the following topics in this course:
Introduction to ethical hacking
Hacking terms you will want to know getting started.
Setting up our hacking LAB
How to install VMware and virtual box on any system(Windows,MAC OS X,Linux)
Linux Terminal including basic functionalities and CLI(Command Line Interface)
What is TOR BROWSER and how does it work and how to increase our level of anonymity online!
Using ProxyChains to hide our IP address...
What are VPNs and how do they work and how we can stay anonymous online!
SHODAN-Hackers search engine what is it and how to use it & install it on Kali Linux.
Using Tools Like Anonym8 and Anonsurf-To get Anonymous online.
Cracking wifi encryption WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPS Pins.
Take full control over systems either WINDOWS or OS X.
Hack into any ANDROID Mobile or Apple (IOS) through metasploit and finding Vulnerability.
A crash course on ENCRYPTION and much more.......
You get lifetime access to this course which already has 14+ hours of HD video tutorials sharing everything you need to be a penetration testing expert and ethical hacker!This is my 1st ever course created but don't,worry i have made it fantastic you'll love this course i will be there with you through out the course and will help you answer every single question possible don't worry if you have any doubts PLEASE ask in the Q&A section.
This course will receive monthly updates with new hacking methods and our goal is to make this the BEST-network security course online!
DISCLAIMER-The attacks demonstrated in this course can cause serious damage and are only shown for educational purpose. The intent of this course is to give you the tools to defend your own networks, share skills that are valuable to companies all over the world, and help you to better understand the challenges that information security professionals face on a daily basis.
NOTE: This course is totally a product of Ramsai Dupati and no other organisation is associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Uthena, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANISATION IS INVOLVED.
What will you get-15+ hours on demand video,English subtitles available,Full Life time access,Access on mobile and TV,and the best part is Certificate of Completion:)
With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and I will respond to you within 15 hours.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope to see you in the course!
Who this course is for:
Anybody who wants to learn how hackers hack computer systems.
Anybody who wants to learn how to secure their systems from hackers.
Anybody who is interested in learning ethical hacking / penetration testing.
For those who want privacy and anonymity online from hackers, corporations and governments.
No Linux, programming or hacking knowledge required.
Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory.
Operating System: Windows / MACOS X / Linux.
For WiFi hacking (around 10 lectures ONLY) - Wireless adapter that supports monitor mode and packet injection (more info provided in the course).
Basic Computer Knowledge or IT skills
Reliable and fast internet connection.
The curiosity to learn:)
What you'll learn:
70+ ethical hacking & security videos.
Start from a beginner up to a high-intermediate level.
Learn what is ethical hacking, its fields and the different types of hackers.
Install hacking lab & needed software (works on Windows, MAC OS X and Linux).
The ability to secure and protect any network from hackers and loss of data.
Discover vulnerabilities & exploit them hack into servers.
More than 35+ hacking tools such as Metasploit,sAINT spyware,Beelogger,SQL Map.....and more
Tips for remaining anonymous in hacking and penetration testing activities.
Secure systems from all the attacks shown.
Install Kali Linux -the best penetration testing OS (Hackers Love this OS).
Learn linux basics.
Learn Linux commands and how to get really comfortable with it:)
Learn Network Penetration Testing.
Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryptions using a number of methods.
Sniff packets from clients and analyse them to extract important info such as: passwords, cookies, urls, videos, images ..etc.
Discover open ports, installed services and vulnerabilities on computer systems.
Take a look at SHODAN-Search Engine.
What SHODAN search engine is and how to use it effectively.
Install (s)AINT Spyware in kali linux and start spying any system(Webcamsnaps,Keylogger,Persistence)
Install and configure Beelogger in kali linux and start grtting keylogs from the victim
Create undetectable backdoors(FUDs)
Use social engineering to gain full control over target systems.
Capture keystrokes on a compromised system.
Gather sensitive information about websites(SQL INJECTION).
Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.
You'll learn what is WIRESHARK is.
Start sniffing data around using WIRESHARK and gather information.
A brief overview on what VPNs are how do they work.
Get added to telegram hacking groups and start valuable information from them.
How to Install TAILS OS and start using it right from now to protect against somr one spying you
What is TOR and how to install it on any OS(Windows,OS X,Linux) and how to use it to access the hidden sites on deep web.
Use TOR Anonymous Chat Rooms and Learn how do they work.
Explore the - Darknets, dark markets, zero day vulnerabilities, exploit kits, malware, phishing and much more.
And Finally i will be updating the course frequently with the latest hacking methods and cool computer tips and tricks.....
What do you learn in this course
1. Introduction
- Course Introduction and Overview
- Thank you for taking this course!
- What is KALI LINUX-wikipedia link
- Kali Linux PDF
- What is Ethical Hacking(WIKI-LINK)
2. Some Basic Definitions Such as Hacking......
- What is ETHICAL HACKING?Indepth review!
- Basic terminology Such as BLACK HATS,WHITE HATS,GRAY HATS......
- Basic terminology Such as Malware,trojans,worms......
- Definition of White Hat Hacker(WIKI-LINK)
- What are Computer Viruses
3. Ethical Hacker's Lab Setup
- Needed Virtulazation software
- VM-ware Player Download Link
- .ISO download
- Installing Kali linux within virtual environment.
- Kali Linux installation after it is running and getting started using it.
4. Linux Terminal Tutorial-Including basic functionalities and CLI
- #1-Customizing The Terminal.
- #3-File ownerships and permissions-The CLI INTERFACE
5. Terminator- Kali Linux
6. TOR-The Onion Router
- #1 Install TOR on KALI LINUX
- TOR-Browser Download Link
- #2 Finish Installing and get ANONYMOUS ONLINE!
- Install TOR on ANDROID and stop anyone spying on U!
- TOR-Documentation
17.5 hours
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Hello, I'm Ram Dupati, your go-to instructor for mastering Linux and CyberSecurity. With a passion for teaching and a dedication to sharing knowledge, I strive to make learning an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Why Learn With Me?
Advanced Linux Command Line MasteryUnlock the full potential of Linux with my in-depth tutorials and hands-on exercises.
Certified CyberSecurity ExpertiseI am certified in:
The Complete CyberSecurity Course Volume 1 Hackers Exposed by Nathan House
The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advance! by Ermin KreponicEnsuring you receive top-notch, industry-relevant training.
Network Traffic Supervision & FiltrationLearn to capture, filter, and analyze network traffic using powerful tools like Wireshark, solving real-world end-user issues efficiently.
To know more about me, follow me on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: ram__dupati
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