Start White Hat Hacking in 2019!
Would you like to learn what hackers do to setting up a lab, learn Kali Linux and conduct your own penetration testing because this will help you level up your cyber security and ethical hacking career?
In this course you will learn:
Introduction to Ethical Hacking! What is it?
Setting Up the Lab Environment
Kali Linux Basics
Network Penetration Testing
Network Penetration Testing - Pre Connection Attacks
Network Penetration Testing - Gaining Access To Networks
Network Penetration - Post Connection Attacks
Network Penetration - Detection & Security
Gaining Access to Computers - Server Side Attacks
This course was designed for total beginners and there is no particular knowledge requirement. Thank you for learning about the course and we hope you love it!
What do you learn in this course
1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking! What is it?
- Introduction
- Why learn hacking
2. Setting Up the Lab Environment
- Lab Introduction
- Installing Kali Linux Using a Pre-Built Image
- Installing Kali Linux Using an ISO Image
- Installing Windows
- Installing Metasploitable
- How To Create Snapshots
3. Kali Linux Basics
- Kali Linux Overview
- Terminal & Basic Linux Commands
- Updating Source List & Installing Programs
4. Network Penetration Testing
- Network Penetration Testing Introduction
- How Networks work
- Connecting A Wireless Adapter
- Changing MAC addresses
- Wireless Monitor Modes & How to Change Them
5. Network Penetration Testing - Pre Connection Attacks
- Packet Sniffing Using Airodump-ng1
- Targeted Packet Sniffing Using Airodump-ng1
- De-authentication Attack (Disconnecting Any Device From A Network)
- Creating a Fake Access Point - Theory
- Creating a Fake Access Point - Practical
6. Network Penetration Testing - Gaining Access To Networks
- Gaining Access to the Networks Introduction
- Cracking WEP Encryption - Theory
- Cracking WEP Encryption (Basic Case)
- Cracking WEP Encryption (Fake Authentication)
- Cracking WEP Encryption (ARP Replay Attack)
- Cracking WPA & WPA2 Encryption (Exploiting WPS) - Theory
- Cracking WPA & WPA2 Encryption (Exploiting WPS) - Practical
- Cracking WPA & WPA2 Encryption (Using Wifite)
- Cracking WPA & WPA2 Encryption (Capturing Handshake) - Theory
- Cracking WPA & WPA2 Encryption (Capturing Handshake) - Practical
- Creating a Wordlist Using Crunch
- Launching a Wordlist Attack To Crack WPA & WPA2 Password
- Securing Yourself From Above Attacks
7. Network Penetration - Post Connection Attacks
- Introduction to Post Connection Attacks
- Gathering Information Using Netdiscover
- Introduction To nmap & How To Use It
- Network Scanning Using nmap
- Network Scanning Using Zenmap
- MITM Attack - ARP Poisoning (Theory)
- MITM Attack - ARP Poisoning Using arpspoof
- MITM Attack - ARP Poisoning Using MITMf
- Bypassing HTTPS Using MITMf
- Session Hijacking & Stealing Cookies
- DNS Spoofing Using MITMF
- Capturing Keystrokes & Running Any Code On Target's Browser
- Launching MITM Attacks In A Real Environment
- Basic Overview Of Wireshark
- Capturing & Analysing Packets Using Wireshark
- Reading Usernames Passwords & Cookies From Packet Capture
8. Network Penetration - Detection & Security
- Detecting ARP Poisoning Attacks
- Detecting Suspicious Activities Using Wireshark
9. Gaining Access to Computers - Server Side Attacks
- Introduction to Gaining Access To Computers
- Introduction to Server Side Attacks
- Information Gathering & Exploiting a Misconfiguration
- Using a Public Exploit To Hack Into a Server
- Exploiting a Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
- Installing & Setting Up Metasploit Community
- Initializing A Scan Using Metasploit Community
- Analyzing Scan Results & Exploiting Vulnerabilities
- Installing & Setting Up Nexpose
- Initializing a Scan Using Nexpose
9 hours
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