Start Python 3 Programming Today!
Begin coding with Python 3 and level up your skills as a programmer today!
What do you learn in this course
Course Curriculum
1. Introduction and setup
- Welcome to Python 3 course!
- Why you should learn Python 3
- Installing Python 3 on Windows
- Installing Python3 on Ubuntu and Mac
- Taking a closer look at Python 3 IDLE
2. Basics of programming in Python 3
- Math operators
- Strings
- Variables and variable naming rules
- Our first program!
- Type, Len, Str, Int, Float .. functions
- True or false Boolean
- IF statement
- Using ELIF for multiple statements
- While loop
- Leaving infinite loop with break
- Using Continue in a loop
- FOR loop
- Importing Python libraries
3. Functions
- Defining functions in Python 3
- Local and global variables
- Coding guess the number program
- Reverse a string function
- Calculate area of a circle program
- Simple Python calculator
- Removing vowels from string program
- Find the largest number out of three
4. Lists, tuples, dictionaries
- Python 3 lists
- Creating smaller out of bigger list
- Manipulating lists and elements
- Append, insert, remove, sort
- Tuples
- Introduction to dictionaries
- Values, keys, items, get
- Dictionary comprehension - part 1
- Dictionary comprehension - part 2
- Advance string manipulation
- Upper(), lower(), isupper(), islower()
- Split, strip, join, startswith, endswith
5. Files in Python 3
- Navigating through system with OS library
- Reading and writing to files
- Reversing text from a file
6. Error handling
- Try and except
- Try and finally
7. Object oriented programming
- Classes
- Changing class attributes
- Built in class attributes
- Using your class in a different program
- Using your class in a program
- Implementing students count option
- Class inheritance
- Overriding methods in a class
8. Date & time
- Printing and calculating date and time
- Different date formats
9. Regular expressions
- Extracting useful data
- Regex - part 1
- Regex - part 2
10. Interacting with HTTP
- Performing HTTP GET request
- Performing post request
- Handling website redirections
- BeautifulSoup
- Encoding in requests
- Session and cookies
- SSL certificate, authentication...
- Json library and proxies
11. Networking in Python 3
- Socket terminology
- Connecting two machines
- Coding a chat program
- Receiving Desired Amount of Data
- Socket Timeout and Options
- UDP Server & Client
- AF_UNIX & Raw_sockets
12. Threading
- Theory Behind Threaded Server
- _thread & Threading
13. Emails, PDF, Images
- Sending Emails Using SMTPlib
- PDF Files
- Images In Python
Course Duration
17.5 hours
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