Write Like Crazy: How I Write 40,000+ Words Every Week!
When you see how Marc writes 40,000+ words per week part time while being a full time student and having a busy life, you will be inspired to write more in your own life. If you want the benefits of writing such as blog posts and books published but you do not like to write, see how I produce 1,000+ words a day on my blog without writing more than a sentence!
When you take this course, you will get motivation and practical tips aimed at helping you build a system for writing on a daily basis which is the foundation of success with any talent. You might discover that if you make writing for an hour or two every day a priority, you can smash all your old ideas of what you are capable of! You might also discover that you would rather make videos and hire someone to transcribe your videos into blog posts and books.
Whatever happens when you take this course, you can count on it to be worth the time and energy you invest in it because what you put into it is what you will get out of it! Marc and I have put our hearts into making this a course you will enjoy and we hope to see you introducing yourself in the course soon!
What do you learn in this course
1. Get a fast start with 2 unique ways to write like crazy every week!
- Why taking this course?
- Introduction
- I can talk 10,000 words per hour or I can write 2,000 words per hour.
2. Writing More Content Every Day
- Establish A Writing Routine
- Don't Be Afraid To Take Breaks
- How To Include Case Studies In Your Writing.
- How To Avoid Going Off-Topic.
3. How I average 1,000+ words on my blog every day by making videos!
- You can see on my blog how talking in videos leads to 1,000+ words per day
- Making the video using Camtasia or Final Cut Pro X. Record audio with audacity
- Uploading to YouTube, Facebook, Udemy, and a podcast
- WordPress and hiring a freelancer on Upwork to transcribe for you
- Congrats and thank you
1 hour
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I started my business in 2011 to help others overcome the same problems I struggled with starting with addiction, relationships, and money. After accumulating $100,000+ in debt to stay in business, I discovered teaching online in 2014. Within three years, I produced 3,000+ video tutorials and paid off all the debt while struggling to maintain ongoing relationships with my students. To help students and instructors grow better together, we launched Uthena in 2019 as the first PLR marketplace for video courses! I am grateful today for 5 years sober, 3 years plant based diet, 6 years married, 3 years parenting, and 7 years as an entrepreneur online with 2,300+ YouTube videos, 21 books, 680+ blog posts, 800+ podcast episodes, 70 songs on iTunes/Spotify, and 57+ video courses where I am the primary instructor on Uthena!
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