
Course description

Do you need to learn ethical hacking, But you’re not having proper lab setup? Do you discover the charge line befuddling and scaring?

On the off chance that yes, this is the ideal course for you. Concentrating on the side of infiltration testing without ignoring the hypothesis behind each attack. Before hopping into entrance testing, you will initially figure out how to install the required packages to practice penetration testing on your android. All the attacks explained in this course are done in my Android phone.

In the wake of taking this course you will never utilize your computer or laptop for hacking. This is extremely helpful for the individuals who need to begin hacking utilizing there Android Phone without Rooting the Device.

The course is divided into sessions

1.installation of software on android device.

2. Commands to use for hacking and pkg setup.
 Sending a SMS using a command terminal and also making a phone call, basic programming: how to written a simple program in c, c++, python and execute it.

3. Penetration testing like:
Metasploit Penetration Testing is a complete guide for beginners as well as security professionals. Social engineer toolkit:SET has a number of custom attack vectors that allow you to make a believable attack in a fraction of the time.How to break a windows and Linux security by performing  different exploitation methods via android. How to performing stress testing through Android.

DDOS attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. 

Brute force attacking guesses the password of victim. SQL MAP automates the discovery and exploitation of vulnerabilities to SQL injection attacks. WEB Application scanning, Creating Phishing page.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and Labsetup

  • 2

    Start with simple example and how to use termux

    • How to sending sms

    • Make a Call using termux

    • Increasing storage

  • 3

    Learn to write Code using Termux

    • Code C Programming

    • c plus plus programming

    • python programming

  • 4

    Android hacking with Metasploit

  • 5

    Network Mapping Nmap

    • checking the ports of target machines

    • checking the status of target machine

  • 6

    Hacking for Miscellaneous

    • Denial of service attack

    • Find someone location

    • Web scanning

    • Installing SEtoolkit

    • Phishing attack (SE)

    • Sqlmap

    • Brute forcing attack

Meet your instructor!

Sac Hackken
A beauty of ethical hacking

Hello, I'm Sac. I work on ethical hacking, organize security, windows penetration testing, Web Application Security and furthermore finding the bugs and answering to the organisations, so fundamentally we are ethical hackers.


I have a decent involvement in ethical hacking. I have gotten great criticism frame our customer since they asked how would you do these things I began making a video on moral hacking which leads them to self-finding out about ethical hacking. I  generally furnish you with up and coming information on security and ethical hacking.


I am giving you more case over security explore clarifying the hypothesis behind each technique. what's more, we will by what means these securities inquire about things can be utilized as a part of your genuine.

Take this course today!

"Ethical Hacking with Android and Mobile Penetration Test"