
Course description

In this course you will be able to start on from the very scratch. Even if you don't have the basic knowledge of programming even then you can start on with this course because each and every basic terminology of C++ is covered in this course. Starting from the scratch you will be able to move towards the very advanced topics of C++ which are covered in this course. At the end of this course you will be able to make amazing 2D games. You can make applications in C++ and I must conclude by saying that you will be a pro in C++ after covering this complete course.

Who this course is for:
  • Beginner of programming who want to learn C++ from basic to Advanced
  • Those who want to make basic and advanced C++ Applications


  • A Laptop or PC

What you'll learn:

  • C++ from basic to advanced
  • Make Basics and Advanced C++ Applications

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and Compiler Settings

  • 2

    Basic Part - I

    • Section Overview

    • include and namespace

    • Data types in C++

    • The main Function

    • Cout and cin

    • Numbers and Variables

    • Character Strings

    • Size of Variables

    • Operators in C++ (Part - I)

    • Operators in C++ (Part -II)

    • Operators in C++ (Part - III)

    • Operators Precedence

    • Comments in C++

    • Constants in C++

  • 3

    Basic Part - II

    • Section Overview

    • Conditional Statements Intro

    • If Condition

    • Else Condition

    • Nested if Condition

    • Conditional Statements in a single line

    • Local vs Global Variables

    • Simple C++ Program

    • Switch Statement

    • Loops in C++ Intro

    • For Loop

    • Nested for loop

    • Right Angles Triangle using for loop

    • Empty Triangle using for loop

    • While loop

    • Nested while and do while loop

    • Right angled triangle using while loop and do while loop

    • Do while Loop

    • Continue and break statement

  • 4

    Exception Handling in C++

    • Section Overview

    • Errors and its types

    • Exception Handling

  • 5

    Functions in C++

    • Section Overview - Functions

    • Advantages of Functions

    • Understanding Functions

    • 4-Function Arguments

    • Return values

    • Default argument values

    • Function Overloading

    • A simple calculater example

    • Prime no using functions

    • Function Prototypes

    • Cmath Library

    • cstlib,iostream

    • clocale,csignal and more

    • cfenv,ctime and more

    • cwctype and more

    • Primes between certain range

    • Converter Application

    • Pass by reference and pass by value

    • Recursive and inline functions

    • Conclusion

  • 6

    Arrays in C++

    • Section Overview(Arrays)

    • 1D Arrays in C

    • Multi Dimensional Arrays

    • Passing Array to a Function

  • 7

    Object Oriented Programming

    • Section Overview (OOP)

    • Classes and Objects

    • Class Member Function

    • Class Access Modifiers

    • Constructors and Destructors

    • Copy Constructor

    • Friend Function

    • Static Members of a Class

    • Abstraction in C

    • Encapsulation in C

    • Inheritance and its types

    • Single Inheritance

    • Multiple Inheritance

    • Multilevel Inheritance

    • Hierarchal Inheritance

    • Hybid Inheritance

    • Polymorphism and its types

    • Overloading

    • Overriding

  • 8

    Pointers in C++

    • Section Overview(Pointers)

    • Pointers in C

    • Pointer to Void

    • Pointer to Arrays

    • Pointer to Functions

    • Pointers to Structures

  • 9

    Linked List in C++

    • Overview of Linked Lists

    • Introduction to Linked Lists

    • Arrays vs Linked List

    • Types of Linked List

    • Structure of SLL

    • Insertion in SLL

    • Deletion in singly linked list

    • Counting and length of SLL

    • Removing duplicates from SLL

    • Reverse and segregate even odd in SLL

    • Structure of DLL

    • Insertion in DLL

    • Deletion in DLL

    • Remove duplicates from DLL

    • Length of DLL

    • Reverse a DLL

    • Implementation and structure of CLL

    • Insertion in CLL

    • Deletion from CLL

  • 10

    MultiMap in C++

    • Section Overview

    • Introduction to MultiMap

    • Find and Erase

    • Emplace

    • Count

    • Cbegin , Cend , Crbegin , Crend

    • Size , Swap , Max_Size

    • Lower and Upper Bound

    • Equal_Range

  • 11

    Namespaces in C++

    • Section Overview

    • Introduction

    • Classes and Namespaces

    • Extending namespaces and unnamed namespaces

    • Accessing Namespaces

    • Nested Namespaces

    • Namespace Aliasing

    • Inline Namespaces

  • 12

    New Features in C++ 11

    • Section Overview

    • Introduction

    • Lambda Expressions

    • Uniform Initializations

    • Deleted and default specifiers

    • Nullptr

    • Delegating Constructors

    • rvalue reference in C

    • Automatic type declaration and decltype

  • 13

    Virtual Functions in C++

    • Section Overview

    • Virtual Functions and Runtime Polimorphism

    • Default Arguments in Virtual Functions

    • Virtual Functions in Derived Classes

    • Can static function be virtual

    • Virtual Destructor

    • Virtual Constructor

    • Virtual Copy Constructor

    • RTTI

    • Can virtual functions be private

    • Inline Functions

    • Abstract classes and pure virtual functions

    • Pure Virtual Destructor

  • 14

    Templates in C++

    • Section Overview

    • Basic Introduction and advantages

    • Types of Templates

    • Types of Parameters

    • Overloading Function Templates

    • Datastructures relation with templates

    • Template Specialization

    • Partial Specialization

    • Explicit Specialization

    • Conclusion

  • 15

    Some More Advanced C++ Stuff

    • Section Overview

    • User Defined Literals

    • Copy and Swap Idiom

    • Lambda Expressions

    • Placement new Operator

    • Command Line Arguments

    • Signal Handling

Meet your instructor!

Umair Khan
Software Engineer

I am a Software Engineer and I and have a strong grip on many programming languages like Java,C++,Python,C Sharp,Java Script and many other. I have also a lot of teaching experience and i realize that Udemy is the best platform to teach the students. I teach students something very new in demand so that students can develop their skills according to the latest market.

Take this course today!

"Learn C++ from Scratch to Advanced"