
Course description

Take this course to learn what works best for success on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram! 

Immediately see what each social media platform will work best to help you focus your learning on getting the highest return and the best results with your social media marketing! With millions of followers on social media that I built completely online with no outside funding or assistance, you can trust that what I share with you can have the potential to work for you as it does for me!

The idea with this course is to inspire you to answer the question which social network is where I should invest the majority of my time and which is worth trying? You get a detailed look at my history with social media marketing including how I repeatedly turned what seemed like failures into what consistently is called success now that I have a huge audience online. I honestly show you my failures and successes in the course to give you both practical tips and a little entertainment value.

On Facebook, see that most activity occurs in the newsfeed and in messages. Use this knowledge to focus your efforts on being seen in these two places by the people closest to you already and to connect with new people to expand your network. See how I used Facebook to build trust and relationships to get the best results over time. Hear my thoughts on when you should you use a Facebook page, Facebook group, or your Facebook profile? Answer the question of when is it worth it to make a Facebook page? You WILL get a laugh out of seeing my current page and a comparison with my first Facebook page! Take a look at what type of status will get the most clicks, likes, comments, and shares. Know where to get help from Facebook when you have problems. You even get a lecture showing how to quickly make effective Facebook ad campaigns.

On YouTube, enter into a world of organic search traffic and long term viral growth. Visit the two places people spend time with you. Meet the creator studio and hear the one thing most critical for success. Unlock your gold on YouTube in the community tab. Get an explanation of the YouTube channel features including how to get a subscribe button on all of your videos. Start thinking globally first instead of local from day 1. Then get a look at the 7 ways I make viral YouTube videos. See how I got (and you can get) 100,000+ YouTube views on a video in 2 weeks!

On Twitter, join in with the brute force automatic tweeting world sending website traffic and social proof your way! Learn what type of tweet gets the best engagement using an example from what Google does. Enjoy a tutorial showing how to make a picture tweet that fills the timeline for people following you. Guess why I got so many followers on Twitter and see the answer. Take a look at how to search for the right people to follow and your ideal followers on Twitter. Investigate where following people on Twitter earns me so many followers. Remember the names of a few third party services that help unfollowing people on Twitter go faster and maybe even give HootSuite a try for auto posting tweets! Push the limits with an amazing strategy using CoPromote!

On LinkedIn, focus your energy on what is most important right away while you look at the basic features. Review how I made an all star LinkedIn profile with 500+ connections and ranking in the top 20% of people like me that already are influential online. Turn people viewing your LinkedIn profile into sales by showing off the media you have created and articles you have published right at the beginning of your public profile. Add a powerful strategy using LinkedIn posts to get people reading your blog and a strategy for effortlessly building connections to your daily work on LinkedIn. Open up a LinkedIn messaging for connections, relationships, and leads that can make you new lifetime customers. Work LinkedIn groups into expanding your network on LinkedIn. Pull up the blinds on the easiest way to get organic traffic on LinkedIn using the publish post feature! Decide whether a LinkedIn premium account is worth it.

On Pinterest, start simply with seeing how to make a pin on Pinterest from a website. Understand the Pinterest demographics explained for 2015 which include mostly young and middle aged women! View a simple strategy showing how to get organic engagement on Pinterest happens with pins in of the newsfeed. Pinning onto a board in Pinterest is like putting a note in your scrapbook and see why this is worth doing. Learn where notifications are on Pinterest and how you can see who is following you. Setup a Pinterest business account and see how to join as a business or convert your personal. Dive into Pinterest analytics available for businesses show you impressions and audience!

On Instagram, employ the strategy I did to build 500 followers with very little effort to get popular fast on the newest big social network! More to come on Instagram soon!

Finally, wrap up with stories of how I messed up my social media marketing about as bad as you can and lived to tell about it here today! If you read this far, I am going to guess you can get a ton of value out of this course. Click take this course now to get lifetime access and the ability to ask me any question you want about any of these social media platforms! You can count on me to respond to every single question you ask and to be grateful to have you as a student in this course!

Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Which social media platform to use and learn first? How to get started?

    • How to figure out what to learn next in social media marketing

    • Know about the law of averaging principle in human psychology.

    • Facebook is amazing for building healthy long term relationships online.

    • YouTube is incredible for organic search traffic that provides leads and sales.

    • Twitter can be your website's number one traffic source.

    • LinkedIn can get you found for a better job and connect you with new clients.

    • Pinterest is where your fashion and home improvement products can take off!

    • Instagram is unmatched for sharing photos and getting an audience fast

  • 3


    • Most activity on Facebook occurs in the newsfeed and in messages.

    • Your Facebook timeline is a place where you build trust and relationships.

    • If you are not sure what you are doing yet, stick to a personal profile.

    • Facebook pages, groups, and your profile

    • When is it worth it to make a Facebook page How different is my new page from my first page

    • Making a Facebook page branded with my name is my long term solution.

    • Changing your profile picture on Facebook is the easiest way to get likes

    • What type of status will get the most clicks, likes, comments, and shares

    • How to get someone to accept your friend request on Facebook

    • I just wanted to promote myself on Facebook and here is what followed

    • Facebook messaging strategy that landed me my biggest client and hundreds of others

    • Where to get help from Facebook when you have problems

    • What strategy I am using for Facebook posts and my page today.

    • Overview of what I am doing now with my Facebook ads

    • How to quickly make effective Facebook ad campaigns

  • 4


    • YouTube is awesome for organic search traffic

    • Welcome to YouTube! Here are the two places people spend time with you on YouTube

    • Introduction to the creator studio and the one thing you need to do to be successful on YouTube

    • Uploading new YouTube videos and looking at your analytics is how success is built

    • Your community on YouTube is where you turn your work into gold

    • Your YouTube channel features explained including how to get a subscribe button

    • Thinking global first on YouTube is your path to local domination

    • Easy ways to make viral YouTube videos based on my experience with 20 videos.

    • How I made my first viral video on YouTube with Google hangouts on air

    • Making a viral YouTube video with the YouTube editor

    • How to make a YouTube video without even filming using someone else's video.

    • Making viral video game YouTube videos with elgato game capture HD.

    • Make a viral YouTube video easy! High demand topic with low competition!

    • How did I get 100,000+ YouTube views on a video in 2 weeks?

    • Hiring freelancers to produce videos on in demand subjects.

    • Summary of how I make viral videos on YouTube.

  • 5


    • What is Twitter best for? Website traffic and social proof

    • Welcome to Twitter! Learn the basics right here

    • What type of tweet gets the best engagement What does Google do

    • How to make a picture tweet that fills the newsfeed

    • How did I get so many followers on Twitter

    • How to search for the right people to follow and your ideal followers on Twitter

    • How following people on Twitter earns me so many followers

    • Unfollowing people not following you back is the key to building your followers

    • Auto posting new YouTube videos uploaded to Twitter

    • Autoposting with HootSuite is how you reach all your Twitter followers

    • How to combine Facebook and Twitter to get boosted organic reach with CoPromote

  • 6


    • What is most important on LinkedIn and what are the basic features

    • How I made an all star LinkedIn profile and how you can too

    • Getting the perfect LinkedIn profile picture. You will not believe which one I use

    • How to make a powerful LinkedIn profile summary optimized for SEO

    • Using media in the summary section of your LinkedIn profile

    • Strategies for adding connections on LinkedIn

    • A powerful strategy using LinkedIn posts to get people reading your blog

    • If you want people to read your blog, start blogging on LinkedIn

    • LinkedIn messaging for connections, relationships, and leads.

    • LinkedIn groups are where you do expand your network on LinkedIn

    • LinkedIn Pulse has your news and is where you can get your organic traffic

    • How to search for jobs and find better jobs to apply to on LinkedIn jobs

    • LinkedIn premium accounts explained.

  • 7


    • The Pinterest homepage and thank you for learning about Pinterest with me!

    • How to make a pin on Pinterest

    • Pinterest profile overview with boards

    • Pinterest demographics explained for 2015. Pinterest is mostly US young adult and mid aged women

    • How most organic engagement on Pinterest happens through pinning out of the newsfeed

    • Pinning onto a board in Pinterest is like putting a note in your scrapbook

    • How you can interact with pins on Pinterest, like Pins, and share Pins on Facebook

    • How to add followers and get followers on Pinterest by adding friends

    • Pinterest boards! How to make a board and make a pin to it.

    • Pinterest boards explained in depth with examples of following just one board

    • Where notifications are on Pinterest and how you can see who is following you

    • Pinterest business account. How to join as a business or convert your personal account.

    • Pinterest analytics available for businesses show you impressions and audience!

  • 8


    • How I got 500 new followers on instagram easy!

  • 9

    How I failed my way into success with social media marketing!

    • How I failed my way to success with social media marketing

    • What am I doing on social media now Where am I spending my time and ad budget

  • 10

    I Failed to Promote My Own Website on Social Media so I Offered to Help Others!

    • Was my first profitable website a success or failure with Facebook marketing?

    • Twitter SEO victory and account suspension.

    • My first painful failure on YouTube with a copyright notice strike penalty.

    • Who gets their LinkedIn account suspended? I did at least make one sale.

    • Two mentions nationwide in business journals for ruining a social media contest.

Meet Your Instructor!

CEO and Founder of Uthena!

Jerry Banfield

I started my business in 2011 to help others overcome the same problems I struggled with starting with addiction, relationships, and money. After accumulating $100,000+ in debt to stay in business, I discovered teaching online in 2014. Within three years, I produced 3,000+ video tutorials and paid off all the debt while struggling to maintain ongoing relationships with my students. To help students and instructors grow better together, we launched Uthena in 2019 as the first PLR marketplace for video courses! I am grateful today for 5 years sober, 3 years plant based diet, 6 years married, 3 years parenting, and 7 years as an entrepreneur online with 2,300+ YouTube videos, 21 books, 680+ blog posts, 800+ podcast episodes, 70 songs on iTunes/Spotify, and 57+ video courses where I am the primary instructor on Uthena!

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"The Complete Social Media Marketing and Management Course!"

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The Mastermind For Entrepreneurs Seeking Growth Online!


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