Juravlea Nicolae
Security Enthusiast & IT Consultant
Hi! I'm Nicolae. I love computers and technology, particularly in the areas of wireless encryption protocols, web development, network security, and anonymity.
Worked on various projects involving web design, networking, web application security, and other technology-related subjects. Skills and software utilized include:
Network Security: Aircrack-ng, Burp Suite, Kali Linux, Metasploit, Nmap, OWASP, Hydra, SQLmap, Web Application Security, Wi-Fi Security, Wireshark.
Web Development: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, SQL, Bootstrap, Photoshop, SEO, Ruby on Rails, Wordpress.
Programming: JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby.
I hope to contribute to a world where we value skills and relationships over careers and money, and where we're passionate about building and creating things in a self-motivated and self-directed way.